At dinner, I mentioned something about brains to Tess, which apparently is a very sore subject for her.
Tess: Do you remember when I beat you at War?
[It had only been like an hour since she beat me]
Me: Yes, I have that memory.
Tess: Is it in your head?
Me: It's in my brain.
Jaime: That's where memories are stored. In the brain.
Tess: I don't like... ugh...why is everyone always talking about brains to me?
[She was annoyed with us at this point and not hiding it]
Us: Who does that?
Tess: Uh. You know. Just saying brain at me and stuff.
Note to the more talking about brains at Tess. She then went on to tell us that she knows everything about brains already. So, you're wasting your time anyway.
Also, who of you is just randomly saying, "Brain," at her? That's kind of weird gang...but to be honest, we plan on doing it a lot now.
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