Monday, February 16, 2009

My baby's smarter than your baby...

I don't mean to brag or anything, but Tess has already taught herself to read. She can't speak (unless you count barking, but she doesn't even do that on command), and can't sit up on her own. But she can read...any language...and alphabet/writing system.

Here she is reading one of Shakespeare's greatest works, All About Me, in which he incites many intense intellectual exchanges with lines such as: "I have chubby legs...and chubby feet too!" However, Tess usually fails to see the philosophical implications in quotes like that, takes it the wrong way, and glares at the page as if to say, "Oh. So now you're callin me fat, huh?"

Babies. So sensitive about their weight.

Shakespeare is lies.


Jami said...

She is so stickin cute.

Hey you know the sign language stuff really does work! The part of their brain that does verbal communication doesn't develop until their like a year old, but the part that can communicate through their hands develops much sooner. Ned can't do any of it yet, but he does respond when I tell him I'm going to make him a bottle with my sign language.

LeGrand said...

Jaime probably would be interested in the sign language, but I'm too lazy to learn that. Unless someone can tell me how to say, "Stop crying or I'm selling you to the gypsies!"

Tiffany said...

i like your blog--it makes me laugh. and your daughter is super cute!

shelley said...

Such an intelligent girl. Multi-lingual to boot.

Laura Krebs said...

One day when I have kids, they'll probably be smarter. Sorry. :) That's what you get when you're a teacher by trade.