Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Lord is in Charge...

Continuing our discussion of renovations...We were homeless today for about 9 hours. So, Tess, George and I went to the mall to pass the time. It's one of Tessa's favorite places, and she has a hard time agreeing to leaving when I say it is time to go.

Today was no different. So, when I informed Tess that it was time to go, she shuffled her feet and then dragged them. Then had to stop and look at all of the products in those stands in mall corridors. I hate that she does that because I think it gets the hopes up of the people working those kiosks. I also hate that she makes me go in the Disney store. We've never bought anything there, but the people basically know us by name.

Anyhow, I was dragging her out of the mall, and we were halfway through Macy's (the last store we had to get through before the parking lot), when Tessa mumbled something. I can't hear her half the time she talks and the other half I don't understand what she says. So, I asked her to repeat herself, and she said more forcefully: "The Lord is in charge!"

So, at first I thought to myself, "Good job Jaime and Josh! You've raised this girl right! She's going to be a woman of faith!"

Then I remembered the context of the whole situation. I had basically told her before we got into Macy's that I was done with the mall and had decided that we weren't going back to the Disney store and it was time to go. So, I'm pretty sure this was her last gasp effort to sway me into not making the horrible decision of leaving. The Lord is in charge and he wanted us to go back to the Disney store!

So, I did what any sensible parent would do in that situation. We knelt down right then and there in front of everyone and asked the Lord what he wanted us to do. I know what I'll be talking about in the next fast and testimony meeting! Squeal!!! I just realized I have no idea how to spell squeel. squeal. skweelz. That's it. skweelz.

Just kidding. I did what any sensible parent would do and told her she was adopted.

Or maybe I just pretended to still be deaf. Whichever one of those situations it was, I think it was a really great bonding experience for us both that she'll remember for a long time.

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