Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Baby, Come Out!"

This post should be announcing the birth of our dear little Tessa Qudarth, but she already takes too much after her mother. If any of you have spent any time with Jaime, then you know how punctual she is...

Anyhow, on Halloween we spent the evening with the Kecks, which involved some amazing egg nog and cookies. While there, Tiffany shared a childrens book with us called, Baby, Come Out! Jaime got a big kick out of it because certain parts of it are similar to how things have been at our home. Particularly this page:

I play the role of Laura, which hasn't worked at all. That baby, like most people, does not understand that when I yell, things should happen! In the book, the dad is able to coax the baby out by giving everyone in the family a kiss except the baby...for obvious reasons. Ever since then, Jaime has incessantly tried to get me to kiss her stomach to set some sort of voodoo magic trance on the baby to get her to come out. I finally did it a few hours ago, and still not even a little contraction.

1 comment:

Laura Krebs said...

Of course the baby didn't come out for you. You were impersonating a Laura! We are very unique and special people. Sheesh. And I thought we were cousins.