Friday, July 25, 2008

Something Random

Today I passed my thesis defense, which means I'm another giant step closer to being a real person. But in even more exciting news, I did this last night while preparing for the defense:

It's exciting because it's the first time I've beaten minesweeper without using flags (they show up at the end when you win). I learned many years ago from a Keck that I was playing minesweeper all wrong by using flags to mark the bombs. The time still wasn't very fast. But it was a relief to finally do it after getting a few subtle messages from the game:

And here's a text conversation I had with my mom a few nights ago:

Mom: I can ride my bike with no handlebars!
Me: Me and my friends saw a platypus
Mom: I can drink a shake with a silver straw.
Me: I don't know anymore of the song
Mom: I made that up.
Me: Ha. I thought it was a real line.
Mom: I can paint my toes with a butterfly.
Me: Shouldn't you be in bed.

1 comment:

Tiffany and Brad said...

Man, Tiffany is all up ons that handlebars song.

Good job on your recent accomplishment. Congratulations on the thesis thing too.