Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pretending to like pretending

On the days when I work, I don't get to see Tess much because she's at school all morning, and then I'm at work all afternoon. I get to see her for a few hours between when I get home and when she has to go to bed. I usually get to work right away making dinner while Tess tries desperately to play pretend with me while I cook. Do you enjoy pretending with your child? I try to have a good attitude about it, and I'm usually in a good mood when I first get home, but after a while my patience starts to fray. Partially this is because she talks SOOO MUUCCCHHH while I'm trying to remember what ingredients I'm missing, and partially it's because I'm not really "playing" pretend so much as I'm being stage-managed in the game of pretend that's happening in her head. I don't get to make any choices! It is so frustrating! Try and tell me any sane person wouldn't also chafe under these acting conditions. Here's one scene from while I was cooking tonight:

Tess: "Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer. Who are you? Are you a new girl?"
Me: "Um...I'm Twilight Sparkle."
Tess: "No, you be Summer Girl now!"
Me: "What? Uh, ok. Hi, I'm Summer Girl."
Tess: "How old are you, Summer Girl?"
Me: "Uhhh....I'm...twelve. Twelve years old."
Tess: "No, Mommy you have to say six!"
Me: *not breaking character* "What? Why would I say I'm six when I'm twelve? Also, why did you just call me Mommy? Didn't you say a minute ago I was your sister?"
Tess: "No, Mommy, pause the game! You have to say six because Summer Girl is six!!"
Me: "What game are you talking about? I'm not playing a game. I'm Summer Girl, I'm twelve years old, and I'm not your mommy, silly!"
Tess: *crying*
Me: *irritated* "Ugh whatever okay I'm six" *muttering to self under breath* "dammit, I've burned the garlic toast again...why am I constitutionally incapable of NOT burning the damn garlic toast"
Tess: *cheering up* "See, Summer Girl? I told you I'm older than you because you're only six and I'M seven."

Maybe she'll take after her Aunt Lindsey one day, but for now, her improv skills need some work. :) It's scenes like this that make me wish we had had another kid close after her for her to pretend with.

You guys, I am doing awesome at positivity, clearly.

1 comment:

SKIPR said...

hahaha! i absolutely love this.