Saturday, November 9, 2013

Willkommen to Georgia

NaBloPoMo, Day 9

Today we went up to the tiny mountain town of Helen, Georgia, and hiked the nearby Anna Ruby Falls - a very short-but-scenic, kid-friendly hike of only about a mile roundtrip.  We also spent some time afterwards in the town itself, which is notable for being modeled to look like a Bavarian village. I'm not sure how much of it would truly look at home in Bavaria - for starters, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a traditional Bavarian Blimpie's on the corner in real Germany - but all in all it was good kitschy fun. And I know where to go now if I ever need to buy lederhosen! We ate bratwursts and funnel cake, and I doubt that funnel cake is authentically Bavarian either but I don't really care because funnel cake. Mmmmmm....

I was going to add pics to this post but Josh is too quick with the camera and already loaded them all to his computer, so I may come back and add them later, but for some German-themed fun in the interim, enjoy this SNL parody of Angela Merkel! I laughed so much...

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